tHe sToRy oF 3 bLoGs

FOR the sake of my dear cousin Eric, i'm desperately trying to shorten my blog this time. I'll TRY my best ! oK ?

It would be a total of 3 past blogs update, shorten into 1 short blog ... I'm getting nervous ! haha !

1) New Year Eve BBQ at ex-neighbour's house

It was a BBQ that was suggested by me. I'm longing for a BBQ since i don't get to have any while in Malacca. Our ex-neighbour's house is always our favourite BBQ spot. I invited 5 of my friends (old schoolmates : Choo, Sia Hui, CK, Su Hui and Mandy) and the others are all my ex-neighbour's gang of friends. I took a video of the BBQ night and therefore the whole video would explain what we basically eat and have for the night. See ! Long blog all shorten into video !! AM i good or what ?? Hahahaha !!

*had problem uploading the video here ... so i upload it to youtube ...
to watch the video in youtube click HERE !

2) SiBu TrIp + CouSin's wEddIng

my sis and i was sort of forced to SiBu to represent my parents for my cousin's wedding as my parents needed to go down Miri for another dinner. We went using my sis's BF car and it was a pleasant ride in his BLACK tinted kenari. Not Hot at all ! haha !!

Below are some photos of my cousin's wedding. They are a Rich Millionaire Family and so we as cousins, get to enjoy some part of the riches because the food they served was simply DELICIOUS and EXPENSIVE !! I even accidentally met a Law Junior of mine at the reception then only i realize that our cousin's are marrying each other ! which makes us ... FAR relatives by marriage ! hahaha ~ such coincidence !!

PHOTO COMMENT : Lobster with abalones and sea cucumbers !

PHOTO COMMENT : this is fried BIG HEAD prawns

PHOTO COMMENT : Little Niece from Kuching ... Avril

PHOTO COMMENT : Charlene (left) and Cecelia (right) in grey
PHOTO COMMENT : Wilson (Left) and me in stripes

PHOTO COMMENT : my cousin is the bridgegroom

PHOTO COMMENT : my drunken cousin just back from New Zealand

PHOTO COMMENT : see how RED his face is ... totally drunk !

3) PlaCes oF InTeResT in SiBu + My FavouRite FooDs iN SiBu

We stayed for a few days in Sibu and my sis BF ( we call him 小强 ) brought us around.

PHOTO COMMENT : the symbol of SiBu - SWAN

PHOTO COMMENT : Wisma SAnyan's Xmas Tree

We went to eat the cheapest and freshest crab in town for dinner. I brought along my friends, Sia and Vivian, for dinner with us. Hope they enjoyed the dinner. Another friend, ah John, missed all this things because he went back earlier with his parents. too bad ... !! hahahaha !!

PHOTO COMMENT : Only RM13 oh !

PHOTO COMMENT : me, trying hard to crack open the shell with provided hammer

PHOTO COMMENT : the after effect ... hahaha !

My TOP favourite food in SiBu is this Mix Fruit ABC aka 水果冰, at Taman Muhibbah. CANNOT MISS IT !

My NEXT favourite food that i can't miss in SiBu is their Mee KamPua ( 干盘面 )
Almost any shop sells delicious kampua in SiBu, so it's not hard to find a tasty breakfast.
This particular one is located just opposite my aunt's house at Merdeka Road.


  1. My name is mentioned!
    Hmmm.... this blog is okay, I can tolerate it hahahaha
    Oooo... Charlene got new bf! No wonder she's so busy these dayz! =__=
    Hey hey! That ABC looks deliciously tasty!
    I want one of those :( They don't sell it here @@
    Not that I know of!

  2. Next time you go SiBu ask Wilson (hahaha ..) to bring you out la ...


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