Live 8 ? Who ?

Who are the Live8 ! Who! WHO! who! WHO ! who !
Some of you must be wondering what is Live8 and who are the Live8.
So this particular blog is gonna introduce to ya' all who the Live8 are !!
I saw our old introduction created by our Youngest member, Mandy, in her 'envymandy' blog and decided to repost it here.

Live8 consist of 8 very different girls. All these girls have their own special 'ability'. Hahaha ~
We seldom get to take pictures because we are not the 'camwhore' type. But now, things changed and people change. We get to take a few pictures together during CNY of 2009.

First of all, our introduction pic. It's our perfect picture taken during CNY.

From left : aNgie , 林珊珊,陈朝沁 (back),俞凤玲(front) aka Mandy,葉蘇慧,張憶媚 aka Amy,楊芙 aka fwu fwu,劉淑華

Below is Our Live8 Intro by Mandy around year 2006



~’…妳手機有mp3嗎??send給我莫…啊?!我手機沒有bluetooth,你用infrared send給我莫!!!...’這是她最近慣用的話…因為我們的’劉三姐’最近剛買了電話…所以對新事物產生新鮮感…妳們就原諒她吧!!!...

~她是班上的怪胎…alien是她的綽號…有她在的地方,就有很多的吵雜聲…在上課時,她總有很多怪問題發問…讓老師無從回答…有時就連老師都受不了她… 也許這就是她吧…但她確有另一面…若妳在教堂看見她,妳就會瘋掉…怎麼她變得那麼安靜???淑女哦~~這就是所謂的兩面人lo…有時在她內心世界里也有許 多的心事…她也有多愁善感的一面哦~

~她是最帥的姐姐…她是我們姐妹當中讀書最厲害的一位…也是最有知識的一位…她超愛史努比…哦~~每當老師給她貼士…她就會抄很多份給我們…如果是我的 話,我就會瘋掉…抄這麼多份???!!!我甘願你殺了我…但她卻說抄多點這樣她就會記得了…哈?!那裡找這樣的朋友啊?!


~她可是舞蹈界的高手哦~~也是我們八個里最高的一位…簡稱’高妹’…她有個很帥的男友…在班上他們倆常用眼神溝通…害我們差點變燒豬掉…當她男友不小心說錯話,她就會捏她男友…所以我們有時會故意陷害他…哈哈…(这是过时的了,2005年 。。。等待改善的版本,2010年 。。。

~…介紹她??!!她是誰?!你認識她嗎?!啊?!妳不懂?!怎麼辦?!我也不懂哦~我只知道大家都叫我mandy…所以我就叫mandy lo…我是八個姐妹當中最矮的一位…但是我也是最可愛的哦~哈哈~~

Other pics we had during our Form 6 years in SMK Bintulu

Some recent pics with a few of them :

Above : Fwu came to malacca and play for 1 day with her sister, Rong (2007)

Above : Amy came to Malacca and we had loads of activities (2009)

*Mandy came to Malacca too after Fwu and Before Amy, but .... don't know for what reason we both did not take any pictures at all ! Hahaha ~

Our Dream : to open a Live8 Cafe in the future.

Latest Updates on Live8 members :

ShanShan : Studying Gospel Music at Singapore University.

TiewSing : Graduated from SeGi accounting course and currently working at Harbour Link Bintulu.

ShueHua : Working and Studying at the same time in Bintulu. She's taking up ACCA.

ShwuHuey : Studying in Pilley Methodist College at SiBu. Also doing ACCA course.

YoungFwu : taking Forensic Science in Australia at Curtin University of Technology

Angie (Me) : taking Law degree in Multimedia University Malacca.

Amy : working as air stewardess in Korean Airlines.

Mandy : a beautician + bridal shop manager in Bintulu.

Finally, i wish them all Good Luck in their Future Undertakings. You can click on their names to link to their facebook or friendster.


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