8 tips for healthy eating during exams

My friend came across an article last night and showed me.
He thought that it suited my situation now.
So i decided to share it here as well ...
for those of you who are and will be in exam mode like me now.
I simplified it into my own words so that it's not boring and long.

Dun underestimate healthy eating during exam time because it really helps. I've tried once by eating maggie mee for the whole week because i didn't want to waste time preparing or buying food. And ... the result was a kinda DUMB and SLOW-THINKING me. I practically went blank in the exam time a few times and It was a very BAD experience. i NEVER dared to try it again.

1. The Important Vitamins to maintain the physical and mental energy to study well.

Iron - red meat(beef and duck), cereals, spinach and kidney beans.
Vitamin B - whole-grains, wheat germ, eggs and nuts.
Others - soy and fish ( helps boost your brain by providing nutrients it need )

2. Supplementary Pills are NOT meals.

Many girls have dietary supplements stocked up in their room. But these pills are not real meals and it's better to have real meals than pills. For example, an orange does not contain only vitamin C but also other minerals like beta-carotene, fiber, phytochemicals and etc. So the next time you head to the library, pack up whole-food items like apple, bananas, carrot sticks or dried apricots. *well.. carrot sticks might make you look like a rabbit so .. try to skip that if you dun want to be labelled as a weirdo in the campus.^^

3. Eat at Regular Intervals

Eating regular meals helps keep nutrient and energy levels more stable, in another way it prevents yourself from taking JUNK food.

4. The 3 Big Meals of a Day

Hah ~ you may think that this part requires us to take 3 big meals but it's actually the opposite. Don't take 3 BIG meals but divide it into 5 or 6 well balanced small meals. For example toast spread with peanut butter, tuna, or a piece of cheese with fruit.

5. Breakfast !!

Yes ! Definitely the MOST important meal in anything we do! Coffee and a donut doesn't make a smart breakfast. We need protein, calcium, fiber and a piece of fruit or a vegetable! So, a bowl of cereal with milk and a piece of fruit would be the BEST meal. Try KoKo Krunch with Fresh Milk. It's my favourite breakfast =D hahaha !

6. Going Bananas ? GooD !

The food that ranks highest for being GooD for the brain is fruits. Blueberries is famous for its powerful antioxidants and other nutrients. The natural sugar in fruit offer clean energy, so you don't experience the crash that follows from the consumption of refined sugar.

7. Choose Powerful Vegetables

I just learnt that vegetables which are darker in colour contains more nutrients than the others. So comparing spinach and cabbage, the spinach wins. Other great vegetables include bell peppers, broccoli and sweet potatoes.

8. Smart Snacking can enhance studying.

My favourite part. Snack smartly to balance the nutrients and keep your blood-sugar level stable. Examples of smart snacks are banana with peanut butter, small baked potato with cottage cheese or a muffin pizza.

I'm signing off here ...
wishing those who are having exams soon a great big


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