
What's this date all about ?
Let me tell you a little joke aka true story.

My friends asked me a question. "why aren't you born on 31st august ?"

I answered :"I was suppose to come out on the 31st august, but i was shocked by all the big BANGS and BOOMS of the firecracker noise as my mum went to watch the merdeka countdown with my dad, and so i PENGSAN-ed in my mum's womb. After 3 days, which is the 3rd of september, my dad and mum went to watch the Dragon Boat race at my hometown, then all the chaos (Hoo! Haa! Hoo! Haa!) and drum sounds (dum-du-rum dum-du-rum) from the event woke me up and as curious as i can be .. i struggled to come out at that moment. Which ended up that my dad had to rush my mum to the hospital at that moment."

So, that's the story of how little angie came to the world. =D hihihihahahhhahaha !!

Many would expect surprise on the previous night of their real day. But for me, it's kinda complicated. I usually end up being alone in the room, facing my facebook and waiting for my friends to send me greetings from all over the world. And i'll be smiling to myself and reply-ing each of their greetings gratefully.

Why is that ? well ... it's coz my friends expects that i would be spending my countdown with my other half, and my other half wants me to spend with my friends. Then ... can i go and tell my friends that "hey ~ i'm free 2nite! let's give me a birthday surprise!" hahahha !! I couldn't !! So .. that night itself passed by peacefully. If i could recall a few years back .. that night would be a nightmare for me. Where i'll be showered with cakes, flour, eggs, butter and everything yucks !

But on the day itself, my friends who realized that i was actually VERY FREE, then decided to throw some events for me. In the afternoon, i went for karaoke session with my coursemates.

They actually surprised me with a bday cake! I really didn't expect that. I only expect a hangout session with them at the karaoke, and that's all. So the cake was a sweet surprise =) thanks a lot guys ~

They are my coursemates. Putri, Colin, Gervenne, Mei Yan, Neo(not in pic) and Pang(not in pic). I had fun that day. I dunno about them but i'm the BOSS that day so i couldn't care less. Hahahahaha !

at GOGO ktv, a sign reads "no outside food or drinks allowed." But we had pizza hut delivery sent to us ! hahaha ! That's coz i DEMANDED to have food as their kitchen wasn't open and we were all HUNGRY. So they gave us exceptions =D

Then, it's my housemates turn to celebrate for me. We went to Kenny Roasters for dinner. I never had Kenny Roasters so .... i took this opportunity to taste some ! =D

After dinner, they brought me to buy a set of shirts. It's nice and i love it. Thanks a lot! I appreciate the treat. Although it's simple but it's warm enough =D

My roommate and I went to watch "Piranha" after dinner. OMG .. that movie SUCKS ! and it's DISGUSTING !! eeewww !! one of the image of a girl breaking into half is STUCKED inside my Mind for like .. until NOW !! argh !!! and the ending of this movie will really make your mouth go =O !! Watch it and you'll know why i say so. Maybe those who love Happy Tree Friends will love it. I dun really like Happy Tree Friends. So .. sorry for my bad comment on this movie.

Anyways ... i had a simple and warm birthday. I want to thank all who have wished me. I appreciate it even though i know that most of you were reminded by the FB birthday notifications. hahahahaha !! =P Loving you all !

Ciao for now .. i'll post another post with pictures from my pasts birthdays to let you guys know how DISASTROUS a birthday can be to me ! =D


  1. Haha~ it's good to see you having fun during your birthday~ take care there yo~ miss you this cute sis's laughter! =)

    Have a blessed year! =D

  2. =__= i dun recall myself having any special power laughter ? thanks a lot Nelly for remembering my birthday in the middle of the night ! hahahahha ... you take care as well =D missin u here too !


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