
Showing posts from September, 2010

Pek Pek Pek Pek Cek Ah

Today .. is a very PeK PeK PeK PeK Cek Day !! *pek cek means frustrated in hokkien. I wanted to register for my subjects next semester. I need to do it fast to get a better slot of tutorial time. I started registering since last 2 weeks BUT ... i kept getting an error that i do not have enough credit hours to register. The problem is ... i calculated my credit hours and i had MORE THAN ENOUGH. So ... what's the problem ? >.< ! Then, i saw a bulletin posted at my University Bulletin Board about students facing the same problems as me. Oh Wow .. (i thought) .. at least i'm not the only one. SO i clicked on the (feedback/complaint) button and reported my problem. [coz that's what the bulletin asked me to do.] I received an email the next day saying " please refer to your faculty ".

HiS bDaY sUrpRisE

我突然跑来写blog 是因为昨晚太开心了 !! 我给了启为一个大惊喜,生日惊喜。 启为是我的男朋友 ... 他的朋友都被我操控来搞这个惊喜派对。 那么 ... 我就告诉你们事情的来龙去脉吧 ! 14/9 星期二 我 sms 给启为的所有好朋友 要求他们空出星期日晚上 我也在 facebook send msg 给他们全部 告诉他们我的计划 15/9 星期三 他的朋友一一的回复我 其中一个突然冒出一句话 吓死被tag到的每个人 他说 “为什么 tag 启为在这里?? ” 我紧张到 ... 立刻 check 被 tag 到的名字 ... 哪里有!! #&$^*&^#%^@ 气死人!! 全部人还因为那句话 不敢发言 !! 哈哈哈 !! 真是的 ... 然后,我开始练歌了。我还跑进meetoto里面唱歌,问别人意见。 最后,我决定选 ronan keating - when you say nothing at all 因为这是他最爱听的歌。 16/9 星期四

8 tips for healthy eating during exams

My friend came across an article last night and showed me. He thought that it suited my situation now. So i decided to share it here as well ... for those of you who are and will be in exam mode like me now. I simplified it into my own words so that it's not boring and long. Dun underestimate healthy eating during exam time because it really helps. I've tried once by eating maggie mee for the whole week because i didn't want to waste time preparing or buying food. And ... the result was a kinda DUMB and SLOW-THINKING me. I practically went blank in the exam time a few times and It was a very BAD experience. i NEVER dared to try it again. 1. The Important Vitamins to maintain the physical and mental energy to study well. Iron - red meat(beef and duck), cereals, spinach and kidney beans. Vitamin B - whole-grains, wheat germ, eggs and nuts. Others - soy and fish ( helps boost your brain by providing nutrients it need )

SuNNy !!

Woke Up this morning ... First thing i did was ... rushed to the Management Office of my apartment !! and i saw a big box ! something is written on it ... oh ..?! someone from Sarawak ? i quickly looked for my penknife .. and "ripped" the box open !! hahahaha !! >.


What's this date all about ? Let me tell you a little joke aka true story. My friends asked me a question. "why aren't you born on 31st august ?" I answered :"I was suppose to come out on the 31st august, but i was shocked by all the big BANGS and BOOMS of the firecracker noise as my mum went to watch the merdeka countdown with my dad, and so i PENGSAN-ed in my mum's womb. After 3 days, which is the 3rd of september, my dad and mum went to watch the Dragon Boat race at my hometown, then all the chaos (Hoo! Haa! Hoo! Haa!) and drum sounds (dum-du-rum dum-du-rum) from the event woke me up and as curious as i can be .. i struggled to come out at that moment. Which ended up that my dad had to rush my mum to the hospital at that moment." So, that's the story of how little angie came to the world. =D hihihihahahhhahaha !!