Tampin Satay Trip

Date : 16.04.2010
Time : 12.00 am - 2.00 am
Venue : Tampin, Negeri Sembilan

Mr Bear decided that we go Tampin for a taste of Self-Service Satay. Self-service here means that you need to get your own table, your own chair, slice your own cucumber, and nasi pulut, including BBQ-ing your own SATAY ! Hahaha ~ sounds fun right ?

We went in a group of 10 person. 4 boys 6 girls. But i only have a few pictures with me, i'll upload the rest after grabbing from my other friends.

Mr Bear is looking good as a Satay Seller ! ^_^

Bear's Assistant helps to serve the customer with "kuah satay".

i really think they make good partners in opening a satay stall in Malacca.


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