
A typical sunday = wake up late, eat late brunch, browse web and play online games to spend the day. If over-bored, then i'll start blogging. Exactly what i'm doing now.

There's a few topics for me to post today. Not very interesting, but that's my life. It can be very interesting and sometimes dull and sometimes full of challenge. I'm still trying hard to get use to it. Indeed, there are some problems recently which made me very very down, and i don't get to share it with my "important person". But i know i am strong enough to get through all these by myself. I am not weak ! i am STRONG ! i BELIEVE i can !! although, sometimes it really hurts when you realize that you are all alone in facing all these ...

O .... K .....

stop with the mourning, blabbering and complaints .... i'll continue with my blog posts.


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