
Don't know la ... why nowadays so easy get mad and get emo.
Maybe the monthly thingie ... but then it's not even near yet ...

Seriously, the internet connection at my new apartment is getting on my nerves.
We paid so much to them ... and now we can't even get any internet !
Plus ... we tried to move our old streamyx line over ... then TM told me that there is no ground line installed at the apartment yet ... so they cannot move it over !! I cannot cancel it as well because i'm still on the unipack contract ... if i cancel it ... i have to pay a penalty of RM600 !! What The Hell la ... then what they want me to do now ? Cannot cancel ... cannot move ... cannot use ... but want me to continue to pay ?! MA DE ... how not to feel pekcek la !!

From my wordings, i guess it's obvious again that i'm very hot tempered already. Urgh ... It's so inconvenient la !! I want to do my research online .. i have to bring my laptop to the digital library ... not exactly a very comfortable place !! For the whole week .. i have to bring my laptop around in campus !! They will compensate me for inconvenience fee or not leh ?? NO ! .............

.......... 1................................2 ..............................3

Huh ... have to cool down xia... Can feel my blood pressure and heart rate going up and my poor keyboard gonna burst d ...

My very last semester of my university life is starting ... My feelings are mixed ... time feels so short. I'm not sure if i'm gonna miss this or i want to get out of this and earn money as fast as possible ... I know a lot of people told me that working life is not fun .. i experience that d ... i get it. But i think i need to earn money more than i need to enjoy my own life ... I wish so much that 2012 is not the end of our world ... so that i can achieve what i want in life .. repay those who have been so kind to me ... be with the ones i love and take care of them ... There is so many things i still wanna do ...

ahh .. ignore my stupid thoughts la ... when emo is like this one la ... SiEN la .. When can this sien-ness end ??


  1. what research?so early got assignment edy?


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