Shock of MY LIFE !!

All these years ... to be exact ... it's 9 years ?
I thought and THOUGHT that my blood type is 'O'
Then ... my uncle needs to undergo an operation and his blood type is 'O'
So i volunteered happily to donate my blood to him.
When i asked my friends to donate ... i was proudly telling everyone i am gonna donate coz i am an O type.

The day to go screening and check up for those who wants to donate blood is yesterday. I went happily and excitedly with my 2 sisters : Emily and Lene.

When the nurse pricked me, all i was worried about is that i don't have enough iron in my blood or i might fail the blood pressure test coz i have lower blood pressure.

Sekali she said : Oh .. your Iron level is quite low. Not even enough for yourself. And ... by the way ... you cannot donate because your blood type is B.

i was like ......... what ?! ...... 

GOSH !! i am totally shocked ok ?! My sister was laughing like hell ... coz i used to laugh at her long time ago that her blood type MUST be "B" because she so 'lokek' !! Then after this test :  end up I AM B and SHE IS O !!!!!! @_@ ?!?!?

I seriously got STUNNED for a while there. I asked the nurse again ... R U SURE ? ... she said : YES. 
 I totally cannot accept this fact for a while ...
All this years, even reading those what psychological stuff in magazines and newspapers ... i have checked O type ... then now everything is not what i think it is ?! 

Until now ... i kept feeling like this body or blood flowing inside of me is an alien blood that doesn't belong to me !! Weird ... damn weird feeling wey ...
It's like you always thought you are a girl and someone suddenly check you and say you are a boy.
GOSHHhhhhh ... ... i'm still kinda ... shock ... ...


  1. same with me.. hahaha...aiyo.. why we so many things in common one??

  2. u mean you are also B ? or .. you had same experience as me ? hahahhaa

  3. so funny laaaa


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