touchdown KL

Just arrived from Malacca a few hours ago.
I'm definitely not here for fun.
Definitely feeling very very nervous now.

I had a peek at the Law Firm that i'm gonna be attached to for this 3 months.
Well ... the lawyer in charge of us definitely made me went .. tongue-tied!
I couldn't speak properly ... and i think i was showing too much nervous-ness!

Walking into the office itself gave me stress.
There were PILES and PILES of files over the tables ...
i couldn't even see who is sitting behind those files !
I was like .. OMG @o@ !! ... that's what i'm gonna face for 3 months !

I'm not happy at all being here.
The stressful life of the KL-nians ... not something i want.
Waking up early morn and catching the LRT to work.
Coming back after 8pm and stucked in the traffic jams ...
i don't know what should i enjoy from all those hectics!

The only lucky thing is i am living in Sunway.
Which is quite relaxing being at my aunt house.
ONE word = comfortable.

I hope i survive my 3 months here which seems so LONG.
Oh ya ~ i'm lucky that they let me take my 2 days leave in April.
I can have a trip back to Bario ! Yay !!
Soooo looking forward for it after being stucked here for so long.

Good Luck to me. Good Luck to you.

My first touch 'n go card !!! Hahahaa ~


  1. adui.. u still have me ma.. dont stress k?

  2. ADui .. i know this la. Hahahahha ~
    Having you and hating the city life is 2 different things k. I never can complain about having besties around >,< !!


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